Degrees of Six Sigma Certification  provides  the Six Sigma training to its professional based on their rank in the organization. There are various level of professional Six Sigma Employees and these levels resembles the same lines of Martial Arts Belts. In order to get to the higher level, further training is required. The color of the belt points to the level of the course achieved by a professional.

Six Sigma Green Belt

The first or lowest level of belt is Green Belt and it represent the employee of the company who has been trained on Six Sigma improvement methodology and as a part of their full time job, lead quality improvement  team.

They possess less Skills and knowledge related to Six Sigma as compared to the Black Belt or Master Black Belt. They are responsible for the implementation of Six Sigma at an organization level. They assist the Black Belts and carried out their directions in execution of the projects. They lead the improvement projects within their respective areas. Usually the number of Green Belts exceeds the Black Belts in an organization.

Six Sigma Black Belt

Next level is Black Belt and they are responsible for the successful implementation of the projects using the Six Sigma methodology (DMAIC or DFSS) within the organization. They take two weeks of specialized training in addition to the training imparted to the Green Belts.

They are the Six Sigma Team Leaders who are experts in the Six Sigma tools and methodologies. They have detailed knowledge of the roadmaps, cross functional process improvement, and extensive arithmetical methodologies. They ensure that tools used lead to increment in business production and Customer Satisfaction.

Additionally Black Belts also coach and mentor other Green Belts and take guidance from Master Black Belts.

Six Sigma Master Black Belt

Master Black Belts are at the top level of Belt. They are experts in Six Sigma Quality Integration and executes the successful strategic implementation within an organization. Their responsibilities include coaching and mentoring of Black Belts and Green Belts, helping to prioritize, design, select and execute high-impact projects; maintaining the integrity of the Six Sigma measurements and developing and revising training materials of Six Sigma.

They are highly trained Six Sigma Black Belts and provides training to lower Six Sigma facilitators related to the methodologies, tools, and applications of Six Sigma and helps them in achieving their certifications.

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