Six Sigma Methodology

Six Sigma Methodology follows the measurement based strategy that strives for the perfection in the process quality. It is a methodology which is rounded about statistics. It aims to make life better and easier for everyone involved in the process. There are many ways of performing a task in a more efficient manner and by regularly focusing on the efforts to improve quality we can bring about process improvement and variation reduction.

There are two methods of following the Six Sigma Methodologies as follows.

(a)   DMAIC

(b)   DMADV

DMAIC methodology is used to bring about the improvement in the existed process while the DMADV methodology is used for the creation of the new processs.


DMAIC methodology is an acronym for five interlinked process steps: Define, Measure,Analyze, Improve and Control. It’s a strategy for the process improvement where each step of the process is required to be followed to ensure best results.


(1)   Define the current business process, Scope of project, current and future state.

(2)   Define the Customer , their requirements and expectations.

(3)   Define the high level project goals, tangible deliverables, due date.


(1)   Measure the performance of  the current process and  the key metrices

(2)   Collecting relevant data by planning and executing  data collection plan.

(3)   Measuring the reliability and validity of the key metrices

(4)   Measuring the progress and ultimate success.


(1)   Analyze the data to determine the cause and effect relationships.

(2)   Analyze the current process performance and identifying the opportunities for the improvement

(3)   Determine the source of failure and resources required for improvement


(1)   Improve the process by designing innovative solutions using technology and performing required activities.

(2)   Reintegrating the business projects and implementing the designed plan.


(1)   Control the various factors like risk, quality, scope, schedule, cost  and designed plan to ensure that no deviations from target result in defects and they are corrected beforehand

(2)   Monitoring the process continuously by setting the control mechanisms

(3)    Maintaining the progress made and ensuring that business goals are being met

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