Six Sigma Projects

Defining Six Sigma Projects.

Six Sigma ProjectsThe success of a company depends on the strategic planning of the projects. Projects are the works assigned by a company, to meet the needs of the clients. For the successful implementation of the project, there should be a complete planning, adequate links between strategy and actions, and effective communication. Lacking of all these main factors, results in the poor performance of the production work and the customer’s dissatisfaction about the product. Six sigma accomplishes one project at a time. The stories of companies who have saved billions of dollars, have proved the effectiveness of the properly selecting and defining business issues. When the business issues are properly selected and defined, these issues can be assigned to Green Belts and Black Belts for solving it effectively. Six sigma projects are the perfect selection that a company or an organization can take to reach its strategic goals.

Six sigma projects uses the help of project charters, for evaluating and formalizing the issues which will allow you to prioritize for implementation. It is the first step developed by the six sigma methodology, through the define steps of DMAIC. The charter can make or brake a successful project. It can bring out the success through specifying necessary resources and boundaries. The braking up of the project is done through reducing team focus, effectiveness and motivation. some of the major area where there is the need of project charter are as follows:

Project Title:

The importance of naming the project with a properly descriptive title is that it will help the other people to view and select your projects quickly with the help of keywords and phrases.

Black Belt and Green Belts:

These are the personalities, to whom the process improvement project is given. This identification is that important for the identifying the project leader by the management. It also helps to know who is leading the efforts and the others can find out the leader for gathering further details about the work at a later date.

Mentor or Master Black Belt:

It is important to identify a project leader, who ensures a helping hand to everyone in need. A successful project should have a helping hand always ready. Mentor or master black belt is a resource for the project leaders to learn and understand if any project question or issues arises.

Project Start Date:

It not possible for a project to maintain momentum, because the field is mainly for documentation purposes. So the project leaders formally start the working of the project of the date fixed.

Anticipated Project End Date:

The business guidelines are set on the basis how long projects should take to complete the work. The duration of the project helps in providing the leader and the team to get the adequate time to complete the project, business conditions, work load, holiday schedules. It is the mentor, master black belt or quality leader who is anticipating the project end date.

Six sigma does the project selection ideas according to its function. The project selections according to the functional areas are:

Finance/ Accounting six sigma project ideas

Human Resources six sigma project ideas

Sales six sigma project ideas

Shipping or Receiving six sigma project ideas

Information Technology

Six Sigma ProjectsProduct or Service Design six sigma project ideas

Call Center six sigma project ideas

Under each functions, the implementation of six sigma project is used to solve different types of issues. for example:

Under the function product or service design, the six sigma project ideas are” reducing time required to design a product or service, reduce errors in design, reduce production time, reduce testing time”.

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